,Physicists of climate change are assessment experts who have a responsibility to act by providing solutions to better understand how our planet works in the changing climate. This responsibility raises two communication challenges, so far neglected by this scientific community. Firstly, as climate change is a global physical effect, physicists are faced with the imperative to learn from and engage with each other beyond siloed specialisations in order to produce a coherent and integrated understanding of the earth system. This raises communication challenges within the scientific community.
This participatory action research project in partnership with Dr John Bruun (theoretical physicist of the climate system, University of Exeter/Institute of Physics) aims to:
- assess the knowledge communication issues faced by physicists of climate change and
- use sociology/anthropology of science and knowledge and discourse studies to create tools to help physicists become more reflexive in regards to the social dimensions of the production, reception and circulation of scientific knowledge to foster exchange between sub-fields and innovation.
Examples of events organised around this project include:
- "Talking about the physics of our climate change world: What is happening and what can we do?", presentations followed by focus groups with physicists at the (Institute of Physics, London, October 2019).
This participatory action research project in partnership with Dr John Bruun (theoretical physicist of the climate system, University of Exeter/Institute of Physics) aims to:
- assess the knowledge communication issues faced by physicists of climate change and
- use sociology/anthropology of science and knowledge and discourse studies to create tools to help physicists become more reflexive in regards to the social dimensions of the production, reception and circulation of scientific knowledge to foster exchange between sub-fields and innovation.
Examples of events organised around this project include:
- "Talking about the physics of our climate change world: What is happening and what can we do?", presentations followed by focus groups with physicists at the (Institute of Physics, London, October 2019).