Researching discourse and knowledge in society
I research discourse and knowledge, the role they play in society and world politics, how we can apprehend their effects, and what it takes to produce discourses and knowledge helping us to create a world consistent with our values.
Working on discourse and knowledge is a peculiar craft as discourse and knowledge are both the object of our attention and the means through which we access and communicate these objects. I am fascinated by the recursivity of this situation, and thrive to create encompassing reflexive frameworks, combining tools from different disciplines, to address this amazing challenge. |
As an interdisciplinary scholar, my position of Associate Professor at the London School of Economics, Department of Methodology, enables me to merge the practical and theoretical dimensions of my research in my teachings: what do discourse and knowledge do and what can you do (differently) with them?
I have created this website to share with you my research interests and current projects. I hope you will enjoy it! |
Photography copyright: Audrey Alejandro